Thursday, April 3, 2008

ISO launches essay competition for young standardizers

An essay competition for young standardizers in developing countries and economies in transition on the contribution that international standards can make to the implementation of public policies has just been launched by ISO.

The purpose of the competition for the Helmut Reihlen Award is to encourage young professionals to engage in international standardization and to raise awareness of the importance of standards in promoting safe and sustainable economic development. The theme for the 2008 award is “International standards supporting public policies”.

ISO Secretary-General Alan Bryden comments: "In a globalized world, public policies can no longer be developed and implemented in isolation when they impact on trade, health, security and the environment. Increasingly, the use and referencing of standards, based on the consensus of the interested stakeholders, may assist in good regulatory practices and good public governance."

The competition is organized within the framework of the ISO Programme for Developing Countries, and the award is co-sponsored by ISO and the Deutsches Institut für Normung (DIN), ISO member for Germany. It is named after Professor Dr. Helmut Reihlen, Director of DIN from 1977 to 1999, in recognition of his significant contribution to the ISO Action Plan for Developing Countries.

The contest is open to permanent employees of standardization institutions, members of ISO, in developing countries and economies in transition. Delegates and experts involved in ISO technical work, duly authorized by the ISO member in their country, may also participate.

To take part, candidates must be under 35 years old, write an essay on the proposed theme and complete the contest entry form. Entries should be mailed to the chief executive officer of the candidate’s national standards body by 9 May 2008. The winner of the first prize, 3 000 Swiss francs, will receive the award at the 31st ISO General Assembly, to be held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, in October 2008. Second and third prizes will also be awarded.

Public policy addresses a wide range of issues such as health, safety, security and preservation of the environment, communication and transport systems, consumer protection and many others.

Achieving the objectives related to these issues often involves meeting requirements for quality, ecology, safety, economy, reliability, compatibility, interoperability, efficiency and effectiveness. ISO International Standards may provide the technical detail to ensure such metrics and features for products, processes, materials, systems and personnel.

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